1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000
Tree Magnolia x soulangeana 'Vulcan' ™ Vulcan Magnolia (deciduous)
Description This hybrid deciduous magnolia has a compact growth habit, making it a good choice as a specimen tree for smaller gardens. It has large furry light brown buds, which develop a tulip like appearance before opening out to the gorgeous, large, fragrant flowers of deep magenta in late winter. Large vibrant green leaves follow the flowers - a beautiful feature tree.
Foliage Deciduous
Form Oval
Mature Size 6 x 4m
Uses Deciduous magnolias make beautiful and striking feature trees in any garden.
Position & Soil While tolerant of most soil types preference is for well drained humus rich soil in full sun or part shade.
Features Small Deciduous Oval Avenue Feature Flower Group Planting Specimen
Pot sizes in production 40cm/27L (0.8-1.0m)
50cm/52L (1.8-2.2m)

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