1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000
Tree Syzygium australe 'Backyard Bliss' Backyard Bliss Lilly Pilly
Description This is a relatively fast-growing Lilly Pilly, growing approximately 3-4 metres tall depending on soil conditions. It is a good option for a hedge or dense screen around a courtyard or pool. It can also be planted as a container specimen for topiary. Foliage is mid-green to dark-green, whilst new foliage has a beautiful bronze tinge. In summer, cream-white blossom will appear, followed in autumn with fleshy pink berries.
Foliage Evergreen
Form Oval
Mature Size 3-5 x 1-2m
Uses For hedging and screening or as a topiary specimen. The berries can be used for jams, and infusing gin etc, but are recommended to be eaten raw.
Position & Soil Likes full or part sun. Can cope in a range of soils however well-drained soil is preferable.
Features Small Evergreen Oval Bird Attracting Driveway Formal Screening Fruiting & Edible Hedging Informal Screening Native
Pot sizes in production 30cm/14L (0.8-1.2m)
40cm/27L (1.4-1.6m)
50cm/52L (1.2-1.5m)
100L (2.5-3.0m)
Substitutes Syzygium australe 'Hinterland Gold'

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