1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000
Tree Taxodium distichum Swamp Cypress
Description This is a deciduous conifer with soft, fine-textured, needle-like bright green foliage changing to a rusty orange in late autumn then brown before falling. Deeply fissured reddish brown bark. It has small resinous, round, purple cones.
Foliage Deciduous
Form Horizontal Branching
Mature Size 20 x 6m
Uses Its fine feathery foliage makes this a beautiful specimen tree. As a young tree it is partly conical in shape, becoming more spread out when mature. The bright green foliage in spring and summer provide interesting contrast in the landscape.
Position & Soil Is tolerant of most soil types although it prefers moist over dry.
Features Giant Deciduous Horizontal Branching Feature Foliage Shade Tree Specimen
Pot sizes in production 40cm/27L (1.2-1.5m)
Substitutes Ginkgo biloba
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Shademaster'
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Sunburst'
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Schinus areira '(syn. Schinus molle)'
Tristaniopsis laurina 'DOW10' Luscious ®

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