Dark Green foliage selections

For the designer, foliage colour is just as an important consideration as the form of the tree and its function in the landscape. Dark Green adds depth and works well with just about every other colour.

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Think about all the variations of green in nature and the emotions that colour evokes. Almost always it is considered calming and tranquil, natural, safe and harmonious.  Green is the most balanced of colours making it a stable influence on us. Seldom would we feel anything other than relaxed and refreshed in a green environment regardless of its shade.

But there are many shades of green and these can vary in intensity. For the designer, foliage colour is just as an important consideration as the form of the tree and its function in the landscape.

Dark Green

Dark green is often associated with wealth and money. Is it no wonder that the US dollar is the Greenback! Dark green matches with a myriad of option in landscaping design and can complement just about any other hue; yellow, orange, purple.

This is a very hardy evergreen shrub or small tree. Its dense habit lends itself well to hedging and screening and as it responds well to pruning, it is even ideal as a large standard. Bark is blackish-brown and the leaves are glossy, dark green and oval in shape, with new growth being lime green in colour. Small white flower heads decorate the tree in spring followed by cherry-like fruits which are green or reddish green at first, and turn dark purple or black as they ripen in late summer or early autumn. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
A fast-growing, medium-sized, deciduous tree. 'Green Vase' matures to a graceful, uniform V-shaped tree with a short trunk and upright branching. Bark is distinctive, predominantly in shades of yellows and light greys and has a flaky appearance revealing additional textures and tones of orange, brown and pink. In autumn, the dark green leaves held through spring and summer turn to an array of colours ranging from soft yellows to orange and rusty reds. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
This tree has an attractive red stringy bark that exposes the cream-coloured bark underneath. It has white flowers tinged with pink during Autumn and Winter but can flower longer. The flowers look like bunches of little bells. The fruits appear green and then ripen to a bright red and are edible. The dark green leaves have a decorative serrated edge making this an all round beautiful tree. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
Native to the Mediterranean, the bay tree is well known for its culinary use, often added to soups and stews. It is an upright, hardy evergreen tree with deep green, aromatic foliage. Leaves are glossy and oval in shape and hang from red-brown branches. In spring, yellow buds appear, opening to clusters of fluffy yellow flowers, adding a lovely contrast amongst the foliage. Tough, beautiful and useful, this tree lends itself well to hedging and is also an excellent choice for topiary. 50cm/52L
A very narrow growing native Australian shrub. This Syzygium is a lovely compact, dense grower which requires very little pruning to maintain a narrow habit, making it ideal for screening and hedging in tight spaces. Foliage is glossy and deep green in colour with new growth being tinged in tones of red-brown. Small, white flowers appear in the warmer months, followed by fleshy pink-red fruits. This variety could easily be used as an Australian native alterative to the Italian pencil pines.
An erect conical shaped tree which has dark fissured bark which looks black at certain times of the year. This fast growing tree bears showy red male flowers in spring. The female has small spiky cones 40cm/27L 50cm/52L
An Australian native, this is an improved variety of the regular Tristaniopsis laurina. Leaves are dark green, shiny and large - and as the name suggests, luscious in appearance! New growth starts out a distinctive copper colour and further interest appears over time with the branches developing deep purple coloured bark which peels back to reveal a smooth, cream trunk. Flowers are yellow and sweetly perfumed, appearing in clusters through summer. 40cm/27L

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