Bareroot Supply

As specialists in the production of junior material to the horticultural industry, our focus on bareroot material grown well ensures great performance post planting no matter the supplied size.


Ornamental trees are offered in (M) MEDIUM or (L) LARGE.  Fruiting trees are available in one size only.

Please order in Multiples of 5.

WHOLESALE NURSERIES can order direct by emailing our sales team here.  If you prefer to order online. Register/Log in with your business email address and prices will show accordingly. If you were directed to this list via an email invitation to order from us, prices shown will be TRADE.


  1. If prices aren't showing, please log in or register as prompted.
  2. To order, Find the species you would like to order.
  3. Select either the Medium Bundle (M) of 5 or Large Bundle (L) of 5 in the dropdown box next to the species then click Add. This action will add the tree to your order.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of this list to see Your Order. Here you can edit the quantity. A zero (0) quantity will remove the tree from your order.
  5. Once complete, please click through the questions and hit the Place Order button. Confirmation will be provided upon receipt of your order

PAYMENT - We will contact you for payment upon confirmation of your order. Payment can be made by credit card or direct bank transfer.

Speciality Trees Pollinator Table